Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blarg! I feel icky!

I hate it when I can't run...even when I'm sick.  I'd rather just run through a cold and sweat it out than sit in bed and watch a movie and pretend I'm enjoying the time off.

Usually I can do this. I find that I don't often get sick and when I do it's usually just for a day. I'll run easy for a day and then regain strength.  Two weeks ago, however, that didn't work out so well.  I'm not going into any details but we'll say that running was not very enjoyable.  I tried and tried and tried to run but my body decided to secede from the union of running.  I think I managed to squeak out at least a few miles each day.  And they were pathetic miles; I must admit I had a hard time pushing it even for a few days after my icky-ness passed. 

Now that I'm back and ready to run hard, the inversion has settled upon my picturesque Logan, making the view not quite so lovely. So at the moment I'm one with the treadmill. And, for at least a day or two, it's okay.  I sometimes like running on the treadmill because I have the inability to run easy (sort of addicted to the "speed up" button), and I'll confess that it generates a most excellent running high and life is better again despite the fact that I must not run in the sun.

1 comment:

mrp670 said...

Hey Lisa! I saw your blog on Kami's and had to say hi. This is Kristie (Wolfley) Pearson. I don't think we've talked since graduation. I must say I am not jealous of Logan. I lived there for 3 years and that was enough. Now I enjoy the warmth of Houston. Mark sometimes sports a long sleeved t-shirt and gloves on his morning run. Check out our blog at